Beginning This Blog

Beginning this blog reminded me of the way energy works.  When something is going to be really good for us, we sometimes have to go through the negative to get to the positive.  If we are aware of that, we know to watch for signs of the positive that eventually will be presented in our lives.  The result and the gains we made during a negative time does come.  

For years I have thought about “writing a blog.”  Others asked me to do so.  They liked the book I wrote and then the second one I wrote… but they wanted more. I generally said, “I’ll think about it.”  This went on for nine years.  I would sit down, try to begin, and stop.  I even took a blogging class.   I finally was given a big shove during this spring when the Coronavirus-19 came to the world and we were told to isolate in our homes, wear masks, etc.  I had negativity about blogging because of time and technical limitations.  My excuse to others was “I cannot blog until I have more techy information.”  

That techy information I needed came right into our living room to help me take a step towards this internal goal of sharing through a blog.  It was a son named Boston who arrived on March 19th.  He has his own blog.   He even brought the subject up, suggesting that if I still wanted to do a blog, he could help me while he here isolating from Covid-19 and we could even make videos. I thought,  “Alright, God, I get it.  I have no excuse now.  I guess it is time.  You even brought the answer to me.”  

 So I will attempt to do what I wrote down as a goal years ago. I will share past changes, loss, and then gains that came later with each loss.   I will also share some amazing answers and experiences that came from my divine source, God, Jesus, and Spirit, as I moved through life.  Hopefully this blog will be enjoyed by children and grandchildren and perhaps help another reader also.  Now let’s see if I can do a “blog.”    

18 thoughts on “Beginning This Blog”

  1. Carolyn Thompson says:

    I absolutely know that you can! ????????

    1. Carolyn, thank you for your inspiration. You kept me going and now I know how to “reply” in this program. Slow learner? Ha!

  2. Cadijah Brown says:

    I am so delighted you are doing this! I love and miss you…….

    1. Cadijah, I thought I was replying to everyone. Evidently not. I just now figured out how to reply properly in this program. Know I love you and miss you!

      1. Cadijah Brown says:

        It is soooo good to hear from you!

        1. Cadijah, love and hugs and thank you for reading this blog. I am having fun writing again!

        2. Cadijah, did you get another text from me? if not, thank you for reading my blog. I miss you, too! Hugs!

  3. Chris Higby says:

    Look forward to it!!!

  4. Alpha ELkins says:


  5. Barbara Buettner says:

    Very exciting!! Love you!!

    1. Barbara, I just now learned why no one might be getting my replies. If you have not gotten any, let me know. Duh! I am just now learning how to work this program and reply properly. Thank you for reading and sending me a note. I just love you! We are still isolating. How about you? John feels sure we are going to get a second wave.

  6. Fran Butler says:

    You definitely can do a blog!

  7. Lynn Lee says:

    Wow! Susanne, I didn’t know you had written some books. David and I will look for them now and I am excited about your blog! Lynn Lee

    1. Lynn, let’s see if you get this one. I sent another reply earlier but did not know how to work the program yet. Now I am more knowledgable and hopefully am replying properly. Yes, I wrote two books. The first one was “When Spirit Speaks.” I have sold over 5,000 of that one. I had fun selling it with my seminars and in bookstores, but after two years… I was tired of going into bookstores or tying up weekends. Wanting to have fun with John, I quit. Book business is difficult unless one has a big publisher. Then a publisher asked me to write “Ten Commitments for Women.” I did not enjoy that one. Always under pressure, their deadlines, and many relatives needing my help, I did not enjoy that experience. I have no more books of that one left. You just might really enjoy “When Spirit Speaks.” It is about John’s and my relationship and the years we spent learning about Native American spiritual ceremonies. It has been 27 years since I published it and I still receive letters from strangers about how it touched their lives. It took me into so many different places. It seemed to have a life of its own. I went into churches and spoke, a women’s prison multiple times, book clubs, weekend retreats I was requested to do, etc. One retreat was for parents of murdered children after they heard me be on a panel with Alma Wilson when she was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,and Drew Edmondson when he was Oklahoma’s A.G. Attendees asked if I could do a retreat for them. You can only get that book from me. I still have 800 and would be happy to send you one. Love you and think of you when I put on a hat! Thanks for reading my blog.

  8. Teresa Begley says:

    love it, waiting for the next one

  9. Denise Kennedy says:

    Great to see you sharing your wonderful insight, Love You, Bunches!

    1. Denise, did you get my last reply? I was so excited to see that you saw my blog. Love and miss you!

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